On Wednesday, I mentioned that our car was in the shop, so we were down to one car. Our thanks goes to the De Chalains, who loaned us their minivan in exchange for Dad's five-seater Honda Jazz. We have our car back now; we picked it up yesterday. The air conditioning hadn't been working (something not acceptable in this country, given the heat) because the Frion, the gas needed to work the air conditioning needed to be recharged, and the car was overheating in general because there was a leak in the engine coolant system, resulting in no coolant, and no cooling. That's all fixed now, thankfully.
Yesterday after school, we went to try out a dentist, but were unsatisfied with the service; we won't be going back. On an upside, we had two friends over: Jessica Otter (my friend) and Becca's friend Hannah. We all swam in our pool - it was my first time! - and played outside until it was dark. Jess and I watched a movie, the Princess Bride, and this morning we went clothes shopping. I desperately needed some more tank tops, what with the heat wave we've been having, and she came along for the ride to PQ Clothing Outlet, a store she was astonished to find had good prices, R40 - R60 for a shirt, when most shirts around here cost between R130 and R80. Personally, I would struggle spending that kind of money on a simple shirt!!
I have been sorely missing my Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, so Jess and I, both loving to bake, decided we would find a recipe and attempt to make our own! We were very successful, and although the recipe isn't perfected yet, I'll keep working on it. Peanut butter and chocolate....... yum.
With the Jacaranda tree in full bloom, Dad decided we needed to have a family picture taken in front of it, and Jess was our photographer. Here are the results.

I have been sorely missing my Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, so Jess and I, both loving to bake, decided we would find a recipe and attempt to make our own! We were very successful, and although the recipe isn't perfected yet, I'll keep working on it. Peanut butter and chocolate....... yum.
With the Jacaranda tree in full bloom, Dad decided we needed to have a family picture taken in front of it, and Jess was our photographer. Here are the results.