Saturday, December 3, 2011

Saturday, December 3, 2011 (Exam results, school finished, sleepover, and serving))

     I wrote my last exam, Maths 2, on Wednesday.  Finally they were done!  Thursday and Friday we were given our exam results: English 1, 84.5%; EMS (business studies & accounting) 63%; Afrikaans, 58%, Natural Sciences, 70%; Maths 1, 93%; Social Studies, 83%; Arts and Culture, 70%; Maths 2, 94%.  I wasn't given the score of my second English exam because Mr. Bremner had not yet finished marking it.  Report cards are given out next Wednesday, but I know I passed everything - ok, well, except Afrikaans. I find it ironic that the two subjects I did poorly in, science and art, are also my favorite subjects.  Ah well, I'll do better next time.
     Friday was our last day of school - we're on holiday now - and it could hardly be counted as a school day.  We had our final assembly, said goodbye to all of our new friends (for a little while), and left at 11AM.  On Fridays we don't have to wear uniform, we can wear our Fresh Friday outfits: jeans, white takkies (sneakers), and the colorful t-shirts with the school's logo.
     After school let out, I walked home with a friend, Nikola Schnippenkoten (there is a big possibility I'm spelling that wrong) and hung out at her house for the day, and spent the night.  We swam, talked, walked down to the river, swam again, and watched a couple of movies.  Both of us are early risers, so we were up at about by 6:15, after reading in bed for a little while, eating breakfast and sitting by the pool dangling our legs in and watching the reflections in the water.  She told me the names of some of the really pretty birds around here, and we enjoyed the warm sunlight. . . NOT something that's possible in Gig Harbor at this time of year!
     This morning, somewhat spontaneously, we showed up to serve at a Christmas Party for the Poor that our new church home, Church of Christ Northwest, was helping at.  I learned the names of some of the kids I'll be going to youth group with, did face painting (spiderman, flowers, spiders, initials, batman, butterflies, etc.), and generally had a good time.  I really enjoyed socializing with the teens I'll be worshipping with for the next few years, and Mom and Dad met more adults.  We've been invited to join a family group, work with a volunteer school, and participate in the youth events this coming month.  

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