Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 4, 2011 (Long Lake, Minnesota)

I have a VERY large family, and a very fun one as well.  In this picture, there are four generation, with me being the third oldest of the youngest generation, and the oldest of all my cousins (I have two second cousins once removed that are older than me). From left to right, top to bottom we have second cousin Mike, great uncle Dave, great aunt Pam, second cousin Tyler, second cousin John, second cousin once removed Alex, second cousin Jill, second cousin Julia, second cousin Kathy, second cousin Jeff, great aunt Diane, great uncle Don, second cousin once removed Nichole, me (Sara Derr), second cousin Stacy, second cousin once removed Steven, cousin Michael, uncle Matt, second cousin Sara, sister Teresa, second cousin once removed Sophia, sister Esther, brother Jonathon, cousin James, second cousin once removed Max, father David, uncle John, cousin Maddy, grandpa Jack, second cousin once removed Mikayla, sister Rebecca, brother Ivan, cousin Andrew, mother Martha, grandma Joy, aunt Molly, aunt Amy, cousin Hannah,  great grandma Evelyn Reese, cousin Samantha, second cousin once removed Alyssa, uncle Andrew, cousin Bella, second cousin once removed, cousin Bella, cousin Anna, and aunt Elizabeth.  Big family, huh? But that just means big fun... :)


  1. Thank you Sara - love the blog! Shall look forward to following your adventures! God Bless
    Grandma Joy

  2. I love this picture Sara... beautiful family :o)
    I'm excited to read about all of your adventures in South Africa. God's blessing upon you my friend. :o)Christy
